Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hospital Updates

Fortunately I've had some progress since I last wrote. .. Not really that much but it is some. 

Monday I went to the H@H (Hospital @ Home) Office and had a check-up. While we were there I was informed that I had been booked for my ultrasound at 3 which was great news. The doctor also placed another IV thing into my right hand. Oral antibiotics wont cut it just yet so we found another vein. At least it's not in my wrist this time but now because it's my right hand I'm able to do less then before. Yay!~

At 3 o'clock Sarah, Hannah and I waited for my ultrasound appointment. When they called my name I went off with the lady and Sarah played with Hannah until I got back. The ultrasound showed an abscess which a doctor then lanced with a needle. A very big needle. They applied a local on the area and removed about a tablespoon of pus. I couldn't really tell the difference straight away but it made moving so much easier and less painful. I can now stretch now arm out. Not fully but still it's better =)

On Monday the nurses also booked me an appointment for Tuesday at the Outpatients area. Jake took the day off work because I can't drive with this IV thing in my hand and having Hannah on my own was out of the question - As a side note Jake was wonderful yesterday. Made me lunch and dinner! - So Jake and I rocked up before our allotted time, booked in and waited in the waiting area. Not long after we got there we were called by the nurse and she took us into .. another waiting area!!! Still, 2 hours are better then 10.

So as it stands now, I have another ultrasound tomorrow. It's a good thing really because as of this morning it has gotten worse again. They'll likely need to lance the area some more. I doubt this will be my last time. I also have another outpatient appointment for Friday where hopefully I can go on some oral antibiotics and get this thing taken out of my hand. 

All in all I'm feel pretty awful at the moment. The IV thing is interfering with my ability to look after Hannah and it's causing a few tears. I don't care as much about the pain as I do about that. It hurts when she's crying but I can't help her because picking her up and moving her is so difficult. Oh well - It'll get better soon.

It's not all been bad. Today is a Wednesday which means that it's a new financial week. I LOVE the new financial week =) It means I get to play with my budget! We also received a card in the mail from Tiarni. It's a cute little thing that says 'To Hannah. From Tiarni' It's very pretty. Not only that but we got some pizza for dinner the other night too. There's not much there but it's something =)

Below is a picture of my hand. It looks pretty ugly and wrinkly. Apparently this vein is starting to hurt like the one on my left hand. [Hopefully] only 4 more injections to go though! (I get 2 daily)

Wednesday the 21st of Sept

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