Monday, September 19, 2011


First of all I've attached a picture of Hannah. She has such a great smile - even if it's a little blurry. It didn't look that blurry when I took it though.

Saturday the 17th of Sept. In the morning.
So it's taken a few days for me to write another blog but I have a very good reason why! As the title would suggest it has something to do with the hospital. Nothing serious but I did waste a good part of my life and it's still not even over!

I'd been taking some medication for Mastitis. By the time my first lot of antibiotics had run out the issue still wasn't sorted so I organised some more with my normal doctor. Unfortunately on Friday when I called him to let him know it was getting worse again I was informed he's on leave for 2 weeks.

Saturday dawned with no improvement so after feeding Hannah I went to a random doctor to see what we could do. After half an hour of waiting I was able to get in to see him but he decided it was out of his hands and I needed to go to the ER. Off I went home with a little letter and a sad face. Jake, Hannah and I got to the hospital that morning at 11:50am. Hannah and Jake got to go home but I didn't get to leave until about 10:15pm. I got in to see a doctor quick enough but the waiting around after I'd seem him, waiting for a surgeon is what really held things up.

Below are some pictures of my arm. At the end of the night they decided that they would give me some antibiotics through an IV. I don't actually have pictures of the IV thingy but here are the pictures of after we took it off. Technically it should still be in my arm but we took it out this morning. It's hard to tell but to the left of the pad there is a red/pink mark and my arm is swollen.

Side on view without bandage.

The IV was hurting my arm quite a bit. In fact I'm actually in more pain now then when I went into the hospital in the first place! My body aches. I can't move my torso area without that deep ache kind of pain. It makes it hard to sleep and get up off chairs and beds etc. To be honest I'm actually glad this thing is out of my arm. They placed it right in my wrist which makes looking after a baby really difficult.

My entire experience with the hospital has been ... pathetic. It took over 10 hours to get this thing in my arm and get sent home. The surgeon and a nurse informed me on Saturday that someone would give me a call Sunday so I could go in and get an ultrasound. Not only did it not happen but when I rang the hospital some guy told me ultrasounds only get done on weekends in an emergency! My Hospital at Home (H@H) nurse kept telling me the same thing too. Why tell me Sunday in the first place if it's not going to be Sunday! 

I have to go into the hospital today for a check up because we took the IV out. We need to see if it's gone down enough for a tablet to work. My H@H nurse also rang after visiting this morning and told me that the ultrasound I need done may not even happen till the end of the week. I'm just on some list. .. And I need this ultrasound done so they can work out if there's an abscess in there they need to lance so it can get better.

Wish me luck! Doubt it will do me any good though. Hospitals are stupid.

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