Friday, September 16, 2011

7 weeks!

Yesterday Hannah was 7 weeks. 

We had a big day yesterday. After feeding and washing in the morning we got in the car and went to my work. This is the second time that we've visited work. They think she's even cuter in real life which I think is saying something because she's pretty adorable in pictures. We had a quick lunch with a couple of my mates down at the pub and then we were off to the Pediatricians. His office is just around the corner from work, hence the visit.

It was a really quick visit with her doctor. He decided that she's doing great and we wont need to see him again unless there's any major issues.

So at 7 weeks my Hannah is 4.63kgs and 56cms long. An entire 1.6kg more then she was at birth and 7.5cms longer. She's growing so big! 

After coming home and feeding again it was time to go for our walk with Aunty Sarah. It took us a little while to get going on the walk as Sarah wanted to play with her. She posted a picture of a smiling Hannah on her Facebook in case you're interested. (Oh, and I've still had no luck getting my phone pictures on my computer but I'll figure it out)
When we returned home we got to see Daddy who held her for a while before her next feed. She was fairly unsettled at this time but I think that's because she slept rough during the day. 

At about 1730 Nana Lamey came for a short hold and play on her way home while I finished heating dinner up (Jake helped). After Nana left we ate our dinner, I fed Hannah and then it was time for bed. Considering she was so grumpy just earlier she went down without a peep and didn't wake again until 5am. She's such an awesome night sleeper!

The only problem with her sleeping so much at night is that I have trouble sleeping. I tend to wake at random times and listen for her and I have to sleep on my back after a while due to fullness. The doctor says I'm a good milk cow though and she's going great so I guess it's a small price to pay.

She's such a happy child and I pretty much know her moods which makes it very easy. 
Have a good one!

1 comment:

Bryan, Amy, Michael, Tyler, Emily and Benjamin said...

I'm glad you've started blogging again! I am enjoying reading about your new life and how little Hannah is not so little!!