Wednesday, September 14, 2011


So I figure it's time to start writing some posts. I did write a couple but they're not finished and I doubt I'll ever publish them so I'm starting over. I think I try to write too much about events that have already happened. I will endeavour to just keep to the present with maybe a few things past.
Today Hannah and I actually had a pretty uneventful day. She fed and slept and we went for a walk with Aunty Sarah. I made my very first roast today too! Beef =) I'm very proud of it. ... It's gone now though.
Her sleeping hasn't actually been the best lately. She sleeps fantastic at night time but during the day she doesn't seem to want to sleep as much. I can't complain though when she's hardly ever grumpy and only wakes once a night for her feeds. I normally feed her at 6ish, put her to sleep at 7pm and then we wake up when Daddy leaves just before 7am. 
Hannah after her sleep a week and a half ago.
She's growing up so fast! I already wish she were smaller. I can completely understand why people have more babies. 
I was going to put in a picture of Hannah smiling that I took on my phone but I've been trying to upload these things onto the computer for the last two hours and I'm just a TINY bit sick of it. .. I need a new phone. Another time hopefully.
I'll blog again soon!

1 comment:

Bryan, Amy, Michael, Tyler, Emily and Benjamin said...

yay , I am so excited that you are going to site some blog posts for us to read. That is a lovely photo of Hannah and you mentioned Jake too , always a favourite topic.