Friday, October 28, 2011

Emailed Posts

Hello everyone,
This is the first time that I have used the email post feature for my blogs. Please let me know if there are any problems with these emails so I can fix them if need be. 

For some of you this will be the first time you will have seen any posts from The Only Lamey Family Blog so please allow me to explain - These blogs that you will receive originally started with the Pilkington families as a way of keeping in touch with those siblings that live interstate. As Jake and I are the only Lameys in the Pilkington clan I have named my blog The Only Lamey Family. Up until the birth of our beautiful daughter Hannah we haven't really had much of an interesting life - In truth it's not overly interesting now but I know all of you will want to see pictures and know what is going on with Hannah. If you do not wish to be a part of this very special list of people then or if there is a better email to get in touch with you then please let me know.

I'm not actually sure how these emails will work for you so I have added the link to our blog in case you would like to look over previous posts. Please note that the blogs you will read were written for my siblings in Western Australia so please keep that in mind. For future posts I will endeavour to explain things for those who do not know certain family members etc.

It has been a month since I last posted any information on this blog. Hannah is actually 3 months today! As I like to say in all my blogs she is growing up so fast. She's no longer the little baby we brought home from the hospital. She's not even the gorgeous little girl she was last month. While I acknowledge the fact that babies grow and Hannah is even better now then she was yesterday or the day before, it's sad to realise that she will never be 2 months old ever again. I have to wonder if I recorded enough of her beautiful smile or the way she talks and wakes up. There are things she used to do before a feed that I didn't record but will miss immensely. I'm sure every parent knows what I am going on about  =)

I have taken a lot of pictures. Sometimes I just sit there with my camera taking multiple pictures. It's amazing how many different facial expressions you can get in over 20 pictures. One moment Hannah will be happily chatting and the next she will be continuing to chat but she's confused or unhappy. Her entire face can change in the blink of an eye. No matter how she is chatting though she always sounds completely wonderful.

Here is the routine we currently follow at 3 months old. The times are general. Sometimes we will wake early or sleep in and sometimes we'll go somewhere for an appointment so things need to move around a bit but you'll get the general idea. 
At 7am we wake up for a feed. We play till 8:45 and then she goes to sleep. At 11 she gets woken up for another feed and another play and then it's back to bed at 12:45. Her next feed is at 3pm and then again at 6:15 before going to bed at 7. During this time we play a little and cook dinner. She sits in her bouncer next to Daddy while I cook the food. Once the food is ready I tend to rock her to sleep while I eat. Sometimes she's happy enough to stay awake for the entire time so I allow it when all she needs is to see a face and she's happy. Often I get to eat my meal cold but I don't mind so much. I love holding my baby. 
Up until recently Hannah was sleeping through the night [from 7 till about 6:40] but the last three nights she's been waking up at 5am.

Below are some pictures of Hannah with Mr Mortimer Moosey. Because he is my favourite toy we play with him all the time. While Hannah is wearing the same outfit the top picture and then next 2 pictures were actually taken 17 days apart. The first picture I just placed Mr Moosey with her for the picture but in the next 2 she's actually grabbing him. She can now grab his hoofs and horns and bring them up to her mouth for a lick. She likes to lick.

Next are some pictures of 'Harold'. Nana Pilkington gave Hannah some jumpsuits that were originally a gift for someones son who outgrew 000 clothing. Being in boys clothes I decided to nick name her either Harvey or Harold while she is wearing them. I let her pick which name she wanted by putting 2 fingers up - She grabbed the Harold finger - Twice! =)
Please note that these pictures were taken with my phone camera and aren't quite as good.

While Jake is at work we do a few things like go for walks, shop for food, visit friends and play. I recently organised that every fortnight we go to the park with other mums from church who also have young children. Most are my friends and some are people I don't know very well but they're all really nice people. It's nice to have something to look forward to. When we play we sing a variety of songs. Most are nursery rhymes although Daddy and I will sing some oldies. I also like to sing some of the fun church songs that I grew up on.

It's almost time for Hannah to be waking up for her feed so I will just post some pictures of her bath the other day before I finish. She looked so adorable =)

She's so skinny and yet so chubby all at the same time!

We love her very much as I'm sure you do too.

Stay safe.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

She is such a cutie!!!! I love her lots too.