Monday, July 27, 2009

2 Years

Last Tuesday the 21st Jake and I celebrated our 2nd Wedding Anniversary! It was such a beautiful day and I love Jake so much!

Tuesday started out like any normal day for Jake. He woke up and got ready for work. Always before he leaves to go to work he comes and sits on the bed and gives me a kiss goodbye. Tuesday held a slight difference though! Instead of giving me a kiss and leaving he placed a gift into my hand. I was sleepily surprised and yelled out my (probably unintelligible) thanks and I love yous as he walked out the door. I didn’t have to work that day so I half woke to see what he’d bought me and went back to sleeping in until 8:30.

My day was spent cleaning and getting the house looking pretty for Jake. Mum and Sarah took me to the shops at one point so I could purchase some ‘decorations’ etc to make the house look and smell nice. I even bought some flowers! The one’s that I had in my bouquet for the wedding.

Jake was surprised to see me when he got home as I hadn’t told him I was taking the day off but he was happy with everything I’d done.

We celebrated by going out to dinner where we had our reception 2 years ago. The food and everything was great! Jake had swordfish =) I even tired some and I don’t like seafood.

After we’d finished our dinner we walked to the shops to get some Cold Rock Ice Cream. It’s something we did for dessert on our first date and also the night he proposed. We sat and ate our ice cream at the park on ‘our bench’. It got a little cold but it was so yummy and we both had fun.

A very good day =)

He’s such a wonderful husband and I can tell he really loves me, even if I am more than a little annoying.

I hope your marriages are as love filled as mine!

Love Tammy – And her wonderful Jake.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Welcome, welcome!

Hello everyone! Another weekend is done and over.

I had an enjoyable weekend. Friday night Jake and I went out for dinner. I’ve had cravings for a certain pasta dish that I haven’t had in a long while. Unfortunately the place we went to that serves that dish wasn’t actually open. They’re renovating. Instead we went to Fasta Pasta. It was nice =)

Saturday I didn’t do much. Jake spent some time with the guys till they went home due to a crabby partner. I did go for a walk with Mum and Dad though which was good. Dad kept joking about taking pictures of Mum if she fell over in the mud and he kept walking deliberately into my path too which was funny and annoying at the same time. I’m pretty sure we had a quiet night. I probably read my book =)

Actually – speaking of books, I just finished book 4 of the Wheel of Time books by Robert Jordon. With out a doubt the biggest book I’ve ever read. 1000 pages! I’m enjoying the books actually. It’s weird to think that I’m in book 5 and the books have only progressed a year. And it’s not even boring which I find different for such a long series. So full of twists and blah, blah, blah =)

Anyway! Sunday morning I went to church with Mum and Dad. Jeremiah was so cute when I got into the car! He was talking of going to the Museum and seeing the Giant “Scuib” with “free” hands. He also spent some time talking about the Beach House at Glenelg. He went on a bus, a train and a tram! At church he sat on my lap while Nana and Grandad were singing but apparently we weren’t allowed to pull faces at them because we were in church. Oh! And dad stuck some trains and cars into his hood without him knowing and when Jeremiah went to sit down he couldn’t work out what was in his back. .. In the end I fished them out for him so we could colour in. I had a lot of fun with my Miah.

After church I think I did some more reading and later that day Jake and I went to see his family. Jakes sister Brooke is currently visiting Adelaide for about a week so she was at dinner which is always good. She definitely makes some good jokes and such.

I think that’s about all for the weekend. Tomorrow I will hopefully be riding my bike to work. It’s been raining so much this week that I’ve not had the opportunity as yet. It’s good for our water though so I won’t complain.

Jake is decidedly sick at the moment and he’s always cute when he’s sick =) I think it’s a cold or something similar. He’s a good little husband.

Anyway! Off with me. I love you all.

Tammy – And her wonderful Jake.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Catching you up.

I missed a blog from last week and this one is a bit later the normal also. Sorry about that! I’ve been busy =)

I haven’t really been up to much. I’ve ridden my bike a couple of times to and from work. I’m actually getting better at it too! Dean, the person I ride with (he lent me his old bike), he has set me a goal. As of Monday there are 21 weeks left in the year. (Not many at all!) Anyway, he’s decided that before the year is over I have to ride 35 times to and from work. Wish me luck! By the end of it, I’ll be so buff you won’t even know me! Hehe. .. Maybe not buff =p

Last weekend (the 4th/5th of July) I didn’t really get up to much. Saturday Ruth and I went out for Sister’s Day. We went shopping. We were meant to go shopping for Christmas goodies but all I ended up getting was a couple of birthday gifts for Charlie, Anabelle (I know! I’m late =S) and Jake and also some stuff for me =D I love shopping! Other then shopping I read some book and watched some movies.

Weekend before last I can’t really remember. All I seem to remember is that at 8:23 in the morning I rang mum to take me to church. I had just woken up and decided to go.

That’s about all =) Sorry it’s not very interesting.

Love you all!

Tammy – And her wonderful Jake.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Welcome to my life.

Sorry – I have trouble working out what to call the subject. It gets boring to call it “catch up” every week.

I had a great weekend! It all started with Friday. Technically Friday is a work day but I’ll start it then.
I rode my bike to work which was great! It was a fabulous morning! Not freezing cold but not hot either and we made good time as well. Fortunately Jake took the bike home with him (he was at Tafe around the corner) and I got a lift home. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll ride the bike and ride home also! Wish me luck.

Friday night was a busy one. When I got home I did some last minute cleaning for my friends that were coming over in the morning. After I’d finished cleaning Jake and I went over Damien’s for Games Night. Jake stayed over Damien’s and the boys played (along with some other males and females) while Natasha and I went out for a drink and a chat. Eventually, after a good long time, (the place was packing up around us) we made it home. The game still hadn’t finished so Natasha and I decided to watch a movie. By the time I got home it was almost 1.

Saturday morning I awoke at 7.45! I had organised for a group of couples (who happen to be friends with Jake and I) to come over for breakfast! There were 10 of us all up and I had a great time. I actually cooked for most of it but I still got to chat while cooking. We had bananas, bacon & eggs, stuffed mushrooms and pancakes along with juice and milos.

Eventually it was time for everyone to get going. Jake and I tidied up a tad before I went for a lie down and didn’t get up again till much later. I was actually surprised how long I slept!

That night we didn’t do much. We hired a couple of DVDs and I got the pumpkin ready to make pumpkin soup. Oh, and very importantly, Jake let us get Cold Rock Ice Cream from the shops. .. Soooo yummy!

Sunday was a nice day. We went over Ruth’s place for some onions as I needed some for my pumpkin soup. It turned out that I didn’t actually have all the ingredients (we were missing chicken stock). Fortunately I had a brilliant idea and we used the seasoning from our chicken two minute noodles =)

Before I could mush my pumpkin soup up Jake and I had to leave for Jakes parents. Olly (the puppy) was very excited to see us and we were able to meet Alex, Shaan’s boyfriend.

Pumpkin Soup – Eventually I was able to finish making my soup and it turned out pretty good. I’ve portioned some out for lunch at work but it runs out so quick! I need to make more.

Hope you’re all well! Love you heaps.

Tammy – And her wonderful Jake.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Life as it is.

Another weekend over.

I didn’t do much this last weekend although I did watch the boys and Juliet play soccer. I enjoy going to the games. Mostly I play with the little ones while cheering but they’re fun all the same. Rory’s team did very well. It’s cool to see how far they’ve come. They seem to have a very good coach.

Jake and I didn’t get to see much of Isiah’s game as we came a little late but he kicked the ball a few times while we were there. Even Juliet kicked the ball some.

Last week on Thursday I rode my road bike to work! I didn’t ride home as I think I should practice a bit more before I ride home again. .. It took me a while to get home last time =) I’m enjoying riding to work. It quite fun and I’m getting more confident too.

Yesterday Jake and I gave blood! I’ve been 4 times now and last night was the first time that I didn’t have any problems after or during. I am pretty impressed. Today I’m feeling it a bit though. I had to rest half way up the stairs this morning but I’m still kicking.

I think that’s about all that is interesting.

Love you all!

Tammy – And her wonderful Jake.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Loooong Weekend

This last weekend we had a long weekend! Apparently the Queen had a birthday =) Thankyou.

Friday Night – Tonight it was raining hard to instead of making me walk up to the house in the rain Jake picked up from the bus stop. It was really sweet of him, even though it only takes me 7 minutes to walk. I’m pretty sure we didn’t do anything interesting after that.

Saturday – Today I woke up, did some cleaning and then went outside to do some gardening. I pruned 5 rose bushes and got a few cuts but I’m pretty impressed with myself anyway. Jake and I have some big green bushes that he also pruned into square shapes. It’s good to finally be able to walk past.

Below is a picture of our Kitty in the rose trimmings. She can be cute sometimes.

After gardening Jake went off to spend some time with his guy friends and Ruth came to pick me up from mine. Ruth and I went over to the shops, had lunch, saw a movie and went shopping. There are a lot of sales on at the moment and I got two tops for half price! I had a good time and lunch was yummy

That night I got a bit lonely so Mum came to pick me up. Jake didn’t get home till late and my cat was annoying me so I’m very glad she did. I basically sat and read my book while mum organised her lesson and Dad scanned some slides.

Sunday – We went to church for some baby blessings today! Two of my good friends recently had babies. They’re so gorgeous! Charlotte has such dark hair and Lukas is such a beautiful little boy, even Jake says so =)

Jake and I chilled for a while after church before going over to his parents for dinner. We had some Indian rice dish that was quite nice and I should probably get the recipe. Eventually we went home and I was straight to bed. .. I’ve been very tired lately.

Monday – At lunch we hired a movie and got Hungry Jacks. Basically we bummed the entire day away but Jake did some washing and I cleaned the bedroom so it wasn’t all a waste. I had thought I might ride my bike over to Damien’s or Ruth’s house but Damien wasn’t home and it turned out to be a really windy and cold day anyway!

Pretty sure that’s about all. It was a good weekend anyway.

Love Tammy – And her wonderful Jake.

Ps. Kirsty – I’ve started reading the Wheel of Time Books. I’m half way through the first one and it’s actually very interesting!

Love you all!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I rode my bike to work!

Today I rode my bike to work! Actually, it’s not my bike. A friend at work also rides and they lent me their old bike until I decide I like riding enough to buy my own.

I rode 21kms in about 53 minutes and it was great! =)

I think that’s about all I wanted to say.

Tammy – And her wonderful Jake.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Weekend

I’ve been told that I should probably write more if I expect other people to write all the time =)

Sunday was Mothers Day! Happy Mothers Day to all you mothers, I hope you had a nice relaxing one.
Jake and I had a busy weekend. Saturday morning we went shopping and picked up a few things for our mothers. We also bought some flowers for Jake's friends mother as Matt lives in Wagga and wasn’t able to get anything. After taking our shopping home Jake and I went to visit Matt's mum. Jake grew up with Judy basically being a second mum. It was nice to sit and chat for a while and I got to play with Matt’s niece and nephew who took to me surprisingly fast. The rest of the day was spent cleaning and relaxing as well as visiting my April who’s just had her first baby! A boy named Lukas William Peter (insert last name here).
Sunday we woke up and went to the Baby Blessing of our newest nephew, Xavier Iain. After was a BBQ party at Ruth’s where I ate a lot of food. I love Mums potato salad.
After stuffing my face Jake and I then returned home to organise dinner for Jake's mother. I cooked an Apricot Chicken Curry. Nothing special as I cooked a packet mix but I believe Jo liked it.

I’ve been just over a week back in Adelaide and I miss Perth. I left Adelaide with nice weather and brown lawns and when I return it’s freezing cold and there’s grass in places that there never was before. I’m glad to be back with Jake though. I missed him IMMENSELY!

I think that’s probably all I’ll write for now. Some is better then none!

Hope you’re all well and I miss those of you in Perth/Karratha!

Love Tammy and her wonderful Jake.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hello! *waves*

Morning all! It’s been a while but I’ve decided that it’s about time I update my blog. Yes, I am alive =)

So this last weekend I was actually in Sydney. I had a friend who had to go over for work and she invited me over. I was rather surprised when Jake said I could go.

During my time there I went to a few different places. I visited the Australian Museum, the Blue Mountains and the Sydney Aquarium. I also did a fair amount of shopping through the city areas. It was great! We stayed in the city area so I was close to Hyde Park and the Harbour Bridge. .. Surprisingly I only actually saw the bridge once during my trip. I even caught a ferry and went straight under it! Unfortunately though I’d already spent the day in the Blue Mountains, taking sooo many pictures that by the time I got to the Bridge my camera battery was completely dead. I did manage to get a couple of photos from a distance but that’s about it.

I really loved it there! It could never take the place of Perth (too dirty) but for a holiday it is a lovely place to visit. I wish I had more time over there to go shopping. If I ever go again I’ll be definitely planning things differently, not that my trip was actually planned =p

I’ve made it a goal to visit all the Capital cities of Australia. .. While I did go to some of these places as a child I’ve decided to not count them as I didn’t experience them as an adult. So far I’ve been to Adelaide, Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane (if only for a couple of hours) and Sydney. My next holiday, after visiting Perth next month, will be to Hobart. Jake has decided that he’d like to visit there. Apart from Hobart I’ve only got two more cities to visit. Darwin and Canberra =)

I may not be able to live my goal however. Jake doesn’t want to visit Darwin and has given me a choice. Darwin or England. I’ll let you guess which one you think I’d choose. ..

So apart from going to Sydney I’ve not done anything really noteworthy lately. .. I’ve almost finished a new series I’ve been reading. Jake and I picked it up at the shops. They had a ‘3 for 2’ sale and we bought some. It’s turned out to be rather good in my opinion.

Kirsty – I have such a big list of great books that I’d recommend you. I love books! I’ll probably write you a blog about all the wonderful books I’ve read and their history in relation to me.

I guess I should put it in here that Jake and I are doing well. Plans for Perth are coming along well and I can’t wait to be there! It’s only a month and a bit till I get to see my nieces and nephew over there and I’m really looking forward to it. .. Oh, and Sarah! =) Hehe.

Actually – About a month ago I did do some things that I’ll mention.
Jake and I took the two bois, Rory and Isiah, to the movies. We saw Bolt. My second time! Jake and the bois loved it and I’ll definitely be purchasing it. .. If you want to get them something for their birthday, Bolt is definitely a good option. Although you might want to check with everyone else before you do that =p
I used to take the two older bois out a lot before I got married. Every second week I’d take one of them out as a treat. I want to continue to do that although now the two girls are old enough so I’ll be taking them out also.

The girls and I had our first outing the other day. I had decided that my car needed washing and why not wash it with the girls! I picked them up in the morning and we went over Nanas to wash my car. .. It wasn’t all boring though. I did take them to Macca’s after and I also bought them a toy from the shops.

Also this month we had Sarah leave. I slept over the night before she left and went with Mum, Sarah, Natasha and the two bois to the airport. .. The night before was awesome! Sarah and I went down to the store and went crazy with ice cream and chocolate milk =) Mmmmm.

I think that’s about all I’ll write for now. I hope you enjoyed it =)

Stay safe.

Tammy – With her wonderful Jake.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Good morning to all those out there! =)

I haven't written a blog in a very long time and I think it's about time I update you lot on what's happening at the House of Lamey.

Jake and I are doing good! We went shopping this morning for some shorts for Jake. I love shopping especially when I'm shopping for Jake, with Jake =)

I'm getting really excited about my trip to Perth. We don't know yet when we're going over but hopefully we'll find out soon. This will be Jakes first trip to a major city and also his first flight on a plane. As soon as I know when we're going over I'll start planning what we'll do etc. If anyone knows any good places to go in Perth let me know! I want to make sure Jake really enjoys himself. That way he wont mind going on other holidays.

So, our life! Mostly we work and sleep although we do other stuff too. It's amazing how much time is taken up by those two things.

Jake just gave the kitty a wash. I'll see if I can get a picture of her. It's very cute!

And that's her! Being cute hehe.
Oh that's right! I haven't told you all about my Christmas! .. Well a while ago, when I started my new job the house was robbed. Not too much but they took my car, our wallets and our camera. All while we were sleeping! .. Anyway, I gave Jake a list of things that I might like for Christmas and he bought me a camera of my very own! It was a very big surprise .. But that's why I'm able to take a picture of my kitty to show you! He also got me Twilight and a watch. He's such a good husband.
Twilight is a very good book indeed. I've read the first too but I've had to take a break. I kept having nightmares about it and it was just so fantastic that I wasn't actually eating.. Just reading .. A lot =)
It's a bit difficult to write as my computer is on the floor so I think I'll stop here for now. Hopefully I'll be able to write again soon. Atleast now you know something about my life and you get to see my kitty!
Love you all, oh and - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY!
Take care xox
Tammy & her wonderful Jake.