Thursday, March 8, 2012

Week 9

(Pictures at the bottom)
Monday 27/02/12

Today I had work in the morning. Hannah went over Nana Pilkington's place so Aunt Sarah could watch her. Aunty Ruth was looking after her for the second half of the morning so Sarah could take Mum and Dad to the airport and when I got home I found Hannah playing with her cousin Xavier on Aunty Ruths tummy with a car in her hands. As per normal when she saw me and registered who I was she started to whinge for me to feed her. So much for her loving me for my personality =)
Fortunately when we got home she then slept for 2 hours (a rarity up until recently) and Daddy had to actually wake her up so we wouldn't be late for her swimming lesson.
She is loving her swimming lessons at the moment. I'm not sure if she knew what was coming but as soon as we got out of the car she started to squeal happily and she did some squealing during the lesson too. Most of the lesson the younger babies look confused and it's really funny to watch.
Before we put the babies under water we count to three and blow on their faces. It's meant to get them to close off their air ways but for some reason Hannah never wants to close her mouth. Sometimes it takes me a few tries before I can even put her under but she seems to be getting used to going under now.

Tuesday 28/02/12

Nothing of note for today really. We spent some time outside watching it rain and she slept really well (4 hours!!) but that's about all. I LOVE when she sleeps! I actually feel like I get some cleaning done! =)
After Hannah went to bed I picked my friend, Lisa up so we could do our Visiting Teaching. We had so much fun chatting with Sariah that I didn't get home till after 11. Jake was worried and sent me a message which was cute. At least I know he loves me.

Wednesday 29/02/12

This morning we were off to the doctors. I've recently started jogging and somehow (and it's never happened previously) I managed to hurt both my knees and both my ankles. They just started hurting for no reason at all and I've since had a slight limp and most definitely can't walk fast or run without being in pain. 
My visit went well. He explained what was wrong with some pictures but I can not remember what it is called. Basically there's something in my knees that stops my muscles and tendons rubbing on my bone but it's not doing it's job properly. I just have to rest it till it gets better.
Jake had to go to the dentist after work so Hannah and I visited Aunt Sarah and that's about all.

Thursday 01/03/12

I have developed a mild cold so Hannah and I took it easy today.

Friday 02/03/12

Today Jake was lucky enough to have a day off! Unfortunately he didn't get much of a rest as he volunteered to look after Hannah while I went in to work. He's such a great Daddy! They played lots and went outside to look at the trees.
Hannah went to bed early tonight so that I could go out for dinner and say goodbye to my Aunty Jenny. There were about 8 of us from Playford Ward and it was lots of fun. We're going to miss her. (She's moved to Sydney for some job experience she can't get here).

Saturday 03/03/12

Some days are hectic and today was no exception! Jake went in to work because they were a bit behind and Hannah and I started our day slowly like every other. In the afternoon though things got busy! Sarah and her friend came over about lunch time and we went to a park and ate some lunch. Hannah loves it outside! So many things to see and touch. She's getting so interested in the world around her. Sometimes it's hard to prevent her from lunging out of your arms!
After lunch and a bit of a nap we went to the shops to see Aunty Ruth and do some much needed grocery shopping. Aunty Ruth bought Hannah a bib with Odie (from Garfield) on it! It's very cute and Hannah had lots of fun smiling at everyone but we couldn't stay long because Jake, Hannah and I had been invited over to a friends place for dinner.
Hannah was a huge hit with our friends, Leana and Jeremy's, kids. They have three - Asher 5, Caitlin 4, and Xavier 5 months. Asher and Caitlin love Jake and were super keen to show him some tricks on the trampoline. Hannah even got a shot on their baby swing! First time ever and she really seemed to enjoy it so I'm thinking it's about time I buy one for her =)

Sunday 04/03/12

Sunday! We did our usual thing at church today so not really much to report about that. 
After Hannah's afternoon nap and feed we drove over to Nana and Grandad Lamey's house for dinner. It's hilarious how scared Hannah gets when the doggy is around but the poor thing breaks my heart every time she panics about him. When I'm not holding her I have to stop myself from grabbing her! It's hard. Oli spent a lot of our time there outside and I feel sorry for the poor thing. Some of the time Hannah is OK with him and then all of a sudden she's not. She definitely doesn't like when he's too close. I hope she gets over it - We can't have her afraid of dogs, especially as Oli is her Grandad's baby!

Here are some pictures from the week. We do much the same thing each day so sorry if they seem a little same, same. 

She kept trying to grab the camera

I'm not really sure what happened here but !! Hehe. I love it.

She loves Kitty! Kitty will even let Hannah grab her for a while.

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