Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Week 6

We've had a busy week this week. It's funny how your day can fill up with nothing and everything. Having a child is definitely more time consuming then I had originally thought. .. She's worth it though.

Last Sunday we went to church in the morning. For those who are interested I'm no longer teaching my class. (12-13 year old youth). I was technically just volunteering until a new teacher was called but I'm still a bit sad that I'm no longer teaching. I do still sit in on the classes to help out though so I don't miss my kiddies just yet.
After Church we basically had a lazy day at home. Below is a picture of Jake and Hannah reading a book and playing with Jerry before bed.

Monday Jake was back at work and Hannah and I, back to our busy life of waking, feeding, playing, feeding, playing and sleeping. Monday's do have the added bonus of swimming lessons though! It was just Hannah and I this week so no pictures but Hannah did go under the water.
The lessons are so much fun! I've been singing a few of the songs like "Wheels on the Bus" and "Up Jumped the Scarecrow" while Hannah has been eating. It's a good way to get her to look up when I'm trying to put food in her mouth. She tends to want to look down.

Oh! Monday we also got her 6 month immunisations done. While we were there a CYH nurse also did a check up. Hannah currently weighs in at 6.395 kgs and is 65.5cms.Tall and skinny.
Here she is, working on sitting up.

We had an exciting day on Tuesday. Hannah and I went into Aunt Shaan's work to have some lunch. We went to the Cafe near her work with a colleague/friend of hers, Trudy, who is very pregnant. It was great and we really enjoyed seeing our favourite Aunty Shaan, not to mention the Cafe had really nice food.

Two pretty girls

That afternoon Jake and Hannah dropped me off at the bike store so I could pick up my new road bike. I love it so much! 

Sorry but I don't recall what Hannah and I did on Wednesday. I think we just had a quiet one at home. I do know that I took my new bike out that night for a practise (cleats are difficult to get the hang of). 
Below is a picture of Hannah practising her sitting while playing with Daddy Bear. 

For lunch on Thursday Hannah and I went out to the Midway Tavern for a friends 50th. There were about 8 of us and it was really nice.
Hannah and Jerry on the "playstation" or as I like to call it "the babysitter". It's handy for when she wakes up early from her sleeps and I'm in the middle of a chore - 

She scared Jerry away =)

On Friday I went shopping in the afternoon while Hannah slept at Nana Pilkington's house. That evening she ate and played with Aunt Sarah, Nana and Grandad while Jake and I attended a Sealing in the Adelaide Temple for some good friends of ours, Chris and Carolyn Castle and their daughters, Charlotte and Olivia. The girls looked beautiful and it was so beautiful. It's nice to remember. 
After we picked up Hannah and I had put her to bed I got a chance to ride my bike! I rode about 10ks, around Holdens and back. It was great to get back on the bike but it's going to take some effort to get fit again =)

Saturday Hannah spent a lot of the day playing with her Daddy so I could do some more shopping. They read some books, sang and danced and played with some blocks.
Jake and I had Leadership Training in the afternoon for Church and then after Hannah had gone to bed we went to an engagement party for a friend of mine from school. We didn't know anyone there as I was the only friend from school she had invited but we managed. It was nice to do something fancy together. We haven't had a chance for a while and it's nice to get dressed up.

So, that was our week. I hope you enjoyed it because I hope to write about our weeks more. If you don't want to read it all that's fine - I hope to include enough pictures to keep you entertained.
Love you all!

1 comment:

Keekies said...

Where has my baby gone, she is looking so much older, but still so cute!

Your bike looks awesome. I keep meaning to get mine serviced so I can go out on the road. How often are you going out a week?

Loved reading about your week!