Sunday, January 15, 2012

A little Christmas

It has been a while since I last wrote anything and I hope you will forgive me. Christmas is such a busy time of the year for us and this year we had the extra bonus of having Aunty Brooke, Uncle Matt, Aunty Kirsty, Uncle Craig, Darcey, Tiarni and aleXander. 

Busy, but great.

Below are a few pictures of Hannahs First Christmas.

JERRY! .. I put her in there =)

Bryan/Amy - This is the frame we purchased for Mum.

Bryan/Amy - This is what Ruth purchased for Hannah on behalf of her Aunties & Uncles.

Hannah's haul - Some things are missing, sorry.

Hannah Jo-Ann and Great Grandma Gwen - 26.12.11


Bryan, Amy, Michael, Tyler, Emily and Benjamin said...

Wow, Hannah scored well!! Thanks for the photos of what we bought :)

Bryan, Amy, Michael, Tyler, Emily and Benjamin said...

bryan says - thanks for blogging all this. I love you guys... and gals.