Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hello! *waves*

Morning all! It’s been a while but I’ve decided that it’s about time I update my blog. Yes, I am alive =)

So this last weekend I was actually in Sydney. I had a friend who had to go over for work and she invited me over. I was rather surprised when Jake said I could go.

During my time there I went to a few different places. I visited the Australian Museum, the Blue Mountains and the Sydney Aquarium. I also did a fair amount of shopping through the city areas. It was great! We stayed in the city area so I was close to Hyde Park and the Harbour Bridge. .. Surprisingly I only actually saw the bridge once during my trip. I even caught a ferry and went straight under it! Unfortunately though I’d already spent the day in the Blue Mountains, taking sooo many pictures that by the time I got to the Bridge my camera battery was completely dead. I did manage to get a couple of photos from a distance but that’s about it.

I really loved it there! It could never take the place of Perth (too dirty) but for a holiday it is a lovely place to visit. I wish I had more time over there to go shopping. If I ever go again I’ll be definitely planning things differently, not that my trip was actually planned =p

I’ve made it a goal to visit all the Capital cities of Australia. .. While I did go to some of these places as a child I’ve decided to not count them as I didn’t experience them as an adult. So far I’ve been to Adelaide, Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane (if only for a couple of hours) and Sydney. My next holiday, after visiting Perth next month, will be to Hobart. Jake has decided that he’d like to visit there. Apart from Hobart I’ve only got two more cities to visit. Darwin and Canberra =)

I may not be able to live my goal however. Jake doesn’t want to visit Darwin and has given me a choice. Darwin or England. I’ll let you guess which one you think I’d choose. ..

So apart from going to Sydney I’ve not done anything really noteworthy lately. .. I’ve almost finished a new series I’ve been reading. Jake and I picked it up at the shops. They had a ‘3 for 2’ sale and we bought some. It’s turned out to be rather good in my opinion.

Kirsty – I have such a big list of great books that I’d recommend you. I love books! I’ll probably write you a blog about all the wonderful books I’ve read and their history in relation to me.

I guess I should put it in here that Jake and I are doing well. Plans for Perth are coming along well and I can’t wait to be there! It’s only a month and a bit till I get to see my nieces and nephew over there and I’m really looking forward to it. .. Oh, and Sarah! =) Hehe.

Actually – About a month ago I did do some things that I’ll mention.
Jake and I took the two bois, Rory and Isiah, to the movies. We saw Bolt. My second time! Jake and the bois loved it and I’ll definitely be purchasing it. .. If you want to get them something for their birthday, Bolt is definitely a good option. Although you might want to check with everyone else before you do that =p
I used to take the two older bois out a lot before I got married. Every second week I’d take one of them out as a treat. I want to continue to do that although now the two girls are old enough so I’ll be taking them out also.

The girls and I had our first outing the other day. I had decided that my car needed washing and why not wash it with the girls! I picked them up in the morning and we went over Nanas to wash my car. .. It wasn’t all boring though. I did take them to Macca’s after and I also bought them a toy from the shops.

Also this month we had Sarah leave. I slept over the night before she left and went with Mum, Sarah, Natasha and the two bois to the airport. .. The night before was awesome! Sarah and I went down to the store and went crazy with ice cream and chocolate milk =) Mmmmm.

I think that’s about all I’ll write for now. I hope you enjoyed it =)

Stay safe.

Tammy – With her wonderful Jake.