Saturday, January 24, 2009


Good morning to all those out there! =)

I haven't written a blog in a very long time and I think it's about time I update you lot on what's happening at the House of Lamey.

Jake and I are doing good! We went shopping this morning for some shorts for Jake. I love shopping especially when I'm shopping for Jake, with Jake =)

I'm getting really excited about my trip to Perth. We don't know yet when we're going over but hopefully we'll find out soon. This will be Jakes first trip to a major city and also his first flight on a plane. As soon as I know when we're going over I'll start planning what we'll do etc. If anyone knows any good places to go in Perth let me know! I want to make sure Jake really enjoys himself. That way he wont mind going on other holidays.

So, our life! Mostly we work and sleep although we do other stuff too. It's amazing how much time is taken up by those two things.

Jake just gave the kitty a wash. I'll see if I can get a picture of her. It's very cute!

And that's her! Being cute hehe.
Oh that's right! I haven't told you all about my Christmas! .. Well a while ago, when I started my new job the house was robbed. Not too much but they took my car, our wallets and our camera. All while we were sleeping! .. Anyway, I gave Jake a list of things that I might like for Christmas and he bought me a camera of my very own! It was a very big surprise .. But that's why I'm able to take a picture of my kitty to show you! He also got me Twilight and a watch. He's such a good husband.
Twilight is a very good book indeed. I've read the first too but I've had to take a break. I kept having nightmares about it and it was just so fantastic that I wasn't actually eating.. Just reading .. A lot =)
It's a bit difficult to write as my computer is on the floor so I think I'll stop here for now. Hopefully I'll be able to write again soon. Atleast now you know something about my life and you get to see my kitty!
Love you all, oh and - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY!
Take care xox
Tammy & her wonderful Jake.