Sunday, October 26, 2008

Another Day =)

Hello Everyone!
I hope you're all doing very well although by the sounds of it, you are. .. I've enjoyed reading all your posts about holidays and just the general goings on of life at home.

As you would all know from my previous blog, we're having a Biggest Loser Competition at work. We had weigh ins almost two weeks ago now and I did rather well. I lost 1.8kgs! Go me. Percentage wise I was forth on the list. .. It's rather sad actually that there's no possible way for me to win but I've enjoyed the competition all the same.

These last two weeks I believe I've been doing very well. Although I've currently not lost any weight I have in fact been doing exceptionally well in exercise and eating better. I'm blaming the added muscle for why I haven't lost anything as yet but by Wednesdays weigh in I should have lost at least a little.

These past weeks have been rather busy for me. Mainly with exercise but also with dinners and outings with friends and family. I love going to Jake's parents place! It's beautiful where they live in the country and it's nice to go there for dinner and just listen and watch all the wildlife that tends to creep up. I got to see a baby joey the other week and it's mother. I also got a nice bite from an inch ant when we went rescuing some tadpoles from the almost dried up creek.

At work I recently won a day off! Every Friday we get to go into the boardroom at 4.30 and have drinks for the last half hour of our day. We also get to spin the wheel if we're lucky enough to have our number called out or if we answer a question correctly or if we're the last left standing in a game of heads or tails. It's quite fun actually and I enjoy seeing everyone from the different buildings. But consequently, from having my number pulled out of a 'hat' I got a paid day off. I often win these things actually. I've been with the company for 7 or so months now and I've one something for everyone one of those months. Sometimes it's movie tickets or vouchers of $50 or $20. Sometimes something as little as a bag of lollies! It's very nice of the company.

This Friday Jake has a RDO from work -Rostered Day Off. I will be taking my time off then and lucky for me it also happen to fall on the day the kids have Sports Day! I intend to be a very supportive aunt wearing all four colours. Purple and blue for Rory and Isiah of the Comets and yellow and white for Ruthy of the Suns. I hope it will be enjoyable! =S hehe.

I think that's all I'll write for today. Perhaps later I'll go for a walk =) Love you all heaps!
Be safe..

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My life. .. It's not that interesting. Sorry

Jake and I just got a fancy new computer, so I am using this to write you all my first actual blog =) Sorry it's taken a while. I just can't seem to find the time to do it but now seems good.

Don't really know what to say. Nothing in my life is really that exciting that I'd need to write about it. .. Yesterday I went shopping and bought some new running shoes. They seem good so far and I'll give them a test later. I think they're rather pretty because they're green. Oh, and thank you to Nana Pilkington and Grandma Gwen as it was their money from my birthday that allowed me to get them. They're great and I sorely needed them, thanks.

Last Monday on the public holiday I organised a Breakfast BBQ for some friends. It started out that we were going to all meet at the park, but because of the weather I held it at my place. It went well and we had 9 people other then ourselves come. Considering I'd invited 11, it was a pretty good turn out. We had pancakes, bacon & eggs and toast and luckily there was plenty of food for everyone. I'd actually only decided to have it on the Saturday before and didn't find out how many numbers were coming till Sunday afternoon. It worked out in the end though and everyone said they had a great time - I got some smessage's =)

Jake and I have recently bought a scooter. I picked the grey colour as it seemed more manly then the yellow that they had on offer. He'll use it for getting to and from work as we've sold his car. We were using the one car anyway and his was just sitting on the front lawn, killing our grass. We wont be getting it though for about another 3-4 weeks, but that's ok. We will manage things till then. We have been able to pull it off so far.

Work is good. I'm enjoying it. For those that don't know I've moved from Reception to upstairs where I am now a Customer Support Officer. I find it rather fun! It's almost like being a detective. I get to work out what the customer has wrong and then fix it for them. I'm a pretty fast learner too wish is good and I'm fast with typing so there are times when I don't have anything to do. At the moment there is a competition going on at work. The Biggest Loser =) I'm in it. Now a lot of you will be thinking that I don't need to lose any weight but it's not just about losing weight, it encourages people to eat healthy and exercise. Two things that I actually do need to do.
Normally when going to work I will catch the bus up to Gepps Cross. Now instead of waiting for another bus to come get me, I just walk the rest of the way to get to work. It takes me the same amount of time to walk to work that it does to wait and then catch the second bus. .. I guess I'm going to have to work something out as the weather gets hotter though. I don't want to go to work smelly.
After work sometimes I also go for a walk around the block with a friend of mine from customer support. I've only been the once so far because she's currently on holidays but I think it's nice. Not only do I get in some good time, but I help her walk also.

OH! I almost forgot! .. My car [Steven] and I were in a rear ender on Wednesday night. Both of us are fine though so no stress. It wasn't my fault either =) I was driving home from work and the cars in front of us had all stopped rather suddenly. I stopped with plenty of room but either the girly behind me wasn't paying attention or she was too close to me in the first place, she hit me. I'm very glad for my tow ball though. It saved Steven from any major damage. There are a few scratches on back paint - nothing problematic. Her car however wasn't as lucky. The bonnet was bent but the engine seemed fine.
On the way home I noticed my back was a little tight but it seems fine now. We went to the Police to report it and the doctors just in case there were any major problems but the pain seems to have gone which is a very good thing.

On Friday night Jake and I went on a double date with our friends April and David. It was a nice night so we went to the Glenelg Beach and ate ice cream. It's always good to see them. I love my April and she's pregnant! We wanted to have some babies together but we might have to wait for the next one, or depending when she has it, the one after that. Who knows.

Anyway, I guess I should tell you all that Jake and I are happy and we're doing well in our nice little house with our nice little kitten. At the moment we don't have any pictures because our Camera was stolen a while back but when we get a new one I'll post some pictures for everyone to see.

I love you family! Especially my nieces and nephews and hope you're all well! Thank you for being a part of my life. You all mean a lot to me.